
This project is a result of collaboration between CDU Menzies School of Medicine and the Northern Territory Government, Department of Health.

In addition, a core contributor to the establishment of the Centre for National Resilience, Howard Springs Quarantine Facility of which this toolbox is sourced is the National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre. 

Centre for National Resilience, Howard Springs Quarantine Facility core organisations and workforce

The authors acknowledge the many government and non-government agencies and their workforce that successfully developed and operated the facility over two and a half years.

This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Australian Defence Force
  • Northern Territory Police Force
  • Australian Federal Police
  • Karen Shelden Catering
  • Delaware North Australia, Northern Rise Village Services.

Medical Research Future Fund: Rapid Applied Research Translation Initiative 

The COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation Model of Care from which this resource emerged is one of five projects which form the Translational Research to Improve Health Outcomes (TOP R) grant. These projects were awarded funding by the Medical Research Future Fund: Rapid Applied Research Translation Initiative. In agreeance with the grant awarded by the Northern Territory Government, the CDU Menzies School of Medicine research team has access and permission to use the data and resources required to create this health model of quarantine care toolbox. 

Resource research team

  • Professor Dianne Stephens (OAM), NCCTRC Academic Partnerships Lead & Foundation Dean, CDU Menzies School of Medicine. 
  • Angela Sheedy, Senior Research Officer, CDU Menzies School of Medicine.                                         
  • Lisa Vermeulen, Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Population Primary Health Care.                     
  • Allan Anderson, Director Operations, Centre for National Resilience.