
“This research project and toolbox development has effectively distilled the model of care and lessons learned during the two-year period of operation of the Howard Springs Quarantine Facility. It is a testament to hundreds of staff that worked tirelessly over the operational life of the facility to keep the residents, fellow staff, and the community safe.

Too often in health, we fail to capture and translate important lessons learned during health emergencies into guidance for the future – we hope this project reflects our lived experience at the Howard Springs Quarantine Facility in a way that is helpful the next time we need to stand up quarantine facilities in this country and beyond our borders.”

Professor Dianne Stephens

What’s in each section of the guide

The guides and resources have been divided to align with the six main areas of quarantine service delivery.

  1. Processes, infrastructure and communication
  2. Infection prevention and control
  3. Health workforce
  4. Resident care
  5. Health, wellbeing and clinical care
  6. Northern Territory COVID-19 response

Each of these core areas presents an overview of the strategies and resources with links to additional materials.

A full copy of each core area has been made available under each section.

A staff member at quarantine facility arrival station

Top End Academic Health Partners

Top End Health Partners logoThe Top End Academic Health Partners is a collaboration between Charles Darwin University, Danila Dilba Health Service, Menzies School of Health Research, Top End Health Services, Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation, National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre, The Northern Territory Department of Health and the Northern Territory Primary Health Network.

By working together, there is aim to undertake translational health research initiatives for the benefit of northern Australian communities.
